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Dricare 20% Solution
Dricare 20% Solution
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ব্যবসার জন্য পাইকারি দামে পণ্য কিনতে রেজিস্টেশন করুন
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Solution - (20%)
Ziska Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Generic: Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate 20%
Out of Stock
Currently unavailable, please request or choose another variant.
৳ 220
9% OFF

Medicine Overview of Dricare 20% Solution

Topical Apply solution to completely dry affected area (e.g., underarms, palms, soles, scalp) once daily at bedtime and washed off the following morning. Repeat applications for >2 consecutive nights until desired effect (lack of sweating) achieved. Thereafter, may apply additional treatments once or twice weekly as needed.
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There are no known drug interactions for aluminum chloride hexahydrate topical.
Adult Dose
Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate is suitable for use only on small areas at a time and not for wide spread usage. Pregnancy and lactation. Avoid contact with eyes.Keep preparations out of reach of children.Risk of skin sensitivity increases with higher concentrations, This medication may stain clothing or certain fabrics or harm metals. Use this medication cautiously to avoid contact with clothes, bed linens, other fabrics, or metals. Let this medication dry completely before putting clothing over the treated area.
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Renal Dose
The exact mechanism of action of antiperspirants is unknown. The most widely held position is that the metal salts contained in antiperspirants physically obstruct the ductal opening of the sweat gland. Several studies have shown that aluminum salts cause an obstruction of the distal sweat gland ducts. A mechanism underlying this obstruction has been proposed: the metal ions precipitate with mucopolysaccharides, damaging epithelial cells along the lumen of the duct and forming a plug that blocks sweat output.
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Mode of Action
Apply only to affected areas you need to treat. It is usually used around the armpits, hands or feet, and is most effective when applied to small areas of skin, helping to prevent lasting side effects as a result of blocking too many sweat glands.
Pregnancy Category Note
Local skin irritation (burning, stinging, itching, tingling).
Known hypersensitivity to aluminum chloride hexahydrate or any ingredient in the formulation.
ব্যবসার জন্য পাইকারি দামে পণ্য কিনতে রেজিস্টেশন করুন
0 People recently viewed this


Solution - (20%)
Ziska Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Generic: Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate 20%
Out of Stock
Currently unavailable, please request or choose another variant.
৳ 220
9% OFF
The information provided herein is accurate, updated and complete as per the best practices of the Company. Please note that this information should not be treated as a replacement for physical medical consultation or advice. We do not guarantee the accuracy and the completeness of the information so provided. The absence of any information and/or warning to any drug shall not be considered and assumed as an implied assurance of the Company. We do not take any responsibility for the consequences arising out of the aforementioned information and strongly recommend you for a physical consultation in case of any queries or doubts.