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ব্যবসার জন্য পাইকারি দামে পণ্য কিনতে রেজিস্টেশন করুন
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Humalog Kwikpen 100

Injection - (100u/ml)
Eli Lilly and Company
Generic: Insulin Lispro
৳ 1085
3% OFF

Medicine Overview of Humalog Kwikpen 100 100u/ml Injection

Diabetes mellitus
Administer within 15 minutes before a meal or immediately after a meal by injection into the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal wall, thigh, upper arm, or buttocks. To reduce the risk of lipodystrophy, rotate the injection site within the same region from one injection to the next.
Adult Dose
Subcutaneous Type 1 diabetes mellitus Approximately one third of the total daily insulin requirements SC; rapid-acting or short-acting, premeal insulin should be used to satisfy the remainder of the daily insulin requirements Usual daily maintenance range is 0.5-1 unit/kg/day in divided doses; nonobese may require 0.4-0.6 unit/kg/day; obese may require 0.8-1.2 units/kg/day Type 2 diabetes mellitus Type 2 diabetes mellitus inadequately controlled with oral medication Adult: SC Usual range: 0.5-1 u/kg/day. Rapid-acting formulations, such as insulin lispro, given before meals with an intermediate- or long-acting insulin as a dose of 10 units/day SC (or 0.1-0.2 unit/kg/day) given at bedtime generally...
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Child Dose
Type I Diabetes Mellitus Rapid-acting human insulin analogue indicated to improve glycemic control in adults and children with diabetes mellitus <3 years: Safety and efficacy not established >3 years: May require 0.8-1.2 units/kg/day SC during growth spurts; otherwise, use adult dosing (0.5-1 unit/kg/day)
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Renal Dose
Renal impairment: Dose reduction may be needed.
Hypoglycaemia.Hypersensitivity to any of the components.
Mode of Action
Insulin lispro, a rapid-acting analog of human insulin, lowers blood glucose levels. It regulates carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism by inhibiting hepatic glucose production and lipolysis, and enhancing peripheral glucose disposal.
Renal or hepatic impairment; pregnancy, lactation; transferring from other insulin. Monitor serum glucose, potassium, electrolytes, HbA1c and lipid profile. Concomitant illness esp infections. Lactation: Considered safe for use during breastfeeding
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Side Effect
Hypoglycaemia; hypokalemia, oedema; pruritus; pulpitation, nausea, rash; hypersensitivity reactions; lipoatropy or lipohypertrophy with SC Inj.
Effects may be increased by: oral antidiabetic agents, ACE inhibitors, disopyramide, fibrates, fluoxetine, MAOIs, propoxyphene, salicylates, somatostatin analog (e.g., octreotide), sulfonamide antibiotics. Effects may be decreased by: corticosteroids, niacin, danazol, diuretics, sympathomimetic agents, isoniazid, phenothiazine derivatives, somatropin, thyroid hormones, oral contraceptives, lithium. Signs of hypoglycaemia may be masked by beta-blockers, clonidine.
ব্যবসার জন্য পাইকারি দামে পণ্য কিনতে রেজিস্টেশন করুন
0 People recently viewed this

Humalog Kwikpen 100

Injection - (100u/ml)
Eli Lilly and Company
Generic: Insulin Lispro
৳ 1085
3% OFF

Alternative Brands For Humalog Kwikpen 100

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