HomeLab TestC-kit mutation analysis
Activating c-KIT mutations have been indentified in various human cancers. c-KIT exon 8 and 17 mutations have been described in patients with CBF-AMLs and usually confer a poor prognosis with increased relapse rate.
Risk assessment
C-kit may also be found in higher than normal amounts, or in a changed form, on some types of cancer cells, including gastrointestinal stromal tumors and melanoma. Measuring the amount of c-kit in tumor tissue may help diagnose cancer and plan treat...
Among these CSC markers, c-kit is the most commonly used [8–11] because c-kit positive (c-kit+) cells have been shown to differentiate into cardiac cells including cardiomyocytes, vascular smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells [8,42]
Test result interpretation
C-kit mutation analysis is a genetic test that detects mutations in the c-kit gene, also known as the KIT proto-oncogene. Mutations in the c-kit gene can be associated with various malignancies, particularly gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), m...
Sample types
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get c-kit Mutation Analysis ?
When is c-kit Mutation Analysis ordered ?
Is treatment available for individuals with c-kit mutations ?
Are there any limitations or factors that can affect the results of c-kit Mutation Analysis ?
Are there any special preparations required for c-kit Mutation Analysis ?
How is c-kit Mutation Analysis performed ?
What do the results of c-kit Mutation Analysis indicate ?
Why is c-kit Mutation Analysis performed ?
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C-kit mutation analysis
Unraveling Genetic Variations: Insights from the C-kit Mutation Analysis Test
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Activating c-KIT mutations have been indentified in various human cancers. c-KIT exon 8 and 17 mutations have been described in patients with CBF-AMLs and usually confer a poor prognosis with increased relapse rate.
Covid Safety
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