HomeLab TestUrine Microscopic Examination
Microscopic tests that providers may include in a urinalysis include: Red blood cell (RBC) urine test: An elevated number of RBCs indicates that there’s blood in your urine. However, this test can’t identify where the blood is coming from.
Risk assessment
Urine microscopic urinalysis can help when doctors suspect problems like a urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney problems, a metabolic disorder such as diabetes, or a urinary tract injury. If the test results show a possible problem,
Albumin: Less than 30 mg a day Pus Cell:0-5 Sugar: 0 to 0.8 mmol/L
Test result interpretation
A microscopic urinalysis can help when doctors suspect problems like a urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney problems, a metabolic disorder such as diabetes, or a urinary tract injury. If the test results show a possible problem, the doctor might ord...
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can diet or medications affect the results of a urine microscopic examination ?
How is a urine sample prepared for microscopic examination ?
What does it mean if abnormalities are found in the urine sediment ?
Why is a urine microscopic examination performed ?
How long does it take to receive the results of a urine microscopic examination ?
What are some common findings in a urine microscopic examination ?
Is a urine microscopic examination painful or invasive ?
How often should a urine microscopic examination be performed ?
Can a urine microscopic examination diagnose all urinary tract disorders ?
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Urine Microscopic Examination
Unveiling Cellular and Morphological Insights for Comprehensive Health Assessment

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Fasting Required:
Urine analysis is the term used to refer to the test used to evaluate a urine sample. In microscopy, a sample of urine is centrifuged to obtain some sediment, which can then used to examine the presence of crystals, casts, white and/or red blood cells or bacteria/yeast infection.
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